ZMDI Icon Bootstrap October 24, 2018 Bootstrap, Pemrograman No comments Icon yang biasa digunakan di Bootstrap 3d-rotation airplane-off airplane album archive assignment-account assignment-alert assignment-check assignment-o assignment-return assignment-returned assignment attachment-alt attachment audio badge-check balance-wallet balance battery-alert battery-flash battery-unknown battery bike block-alt block boat book-image book bookmark-outline bookmark brush bug bus cake car-taxi car-wash car card-giftcard card-membership card-travel card case-check case-download case-play case cast-connected cast chart-donut chart city-alt city close-circle-o close-circle close cocktail code-setting code-smartphone code coffee collection-bookmark collection-case-play collection-folder-image collection-image-o collection-image collection-item-1 collection-item-2 collection-item-3 collection-item-4 collection-item-5 collection-item-6 collection-item-7 collection-item-8 collection-item-9-plus collection-item-9 collection-item collection-music collection-pdf collection-plus collection-speaker collection-text collection-video compass cutlery delete dialpad dns drink edit email-open email eye-off eye eyedropper favorite-outline favorite filter-list fire flag flare flash-auto flash-off flash flip flower-alt flower font fullscreen-alt fullscreen-exit fullscreen functions gas-station gesture globe-alt globe-lock globe graduation-cap group home hospital-alt hospital hotel hourglass-alt hourglass-outline hourglass http image-alt image-o image inbox invert-colors-off invert-colors key label-alt-outline label-alt label-heart label labels lamp landscape layers-off layers library link lock-open lock-outline lock mail-reply-all mail-reply mail-send mall map menu money-box money-off money more-vert more movie-alt movie nature-people nature navigation open-in-browser open-in-new palette parking pin-account pin-assistant pin-drop pin-help pin-off pin pizza plaster power-setting power print puzzle-piece quote railway receipt refresh-alt refresh-sync-alert refresh-sync-off refresh-sync refresh roller ruler scissors screen-rotation-lock screen-rotation search-for search-in-file search-in-page search-replace search seat settings-square settings shape shield-check shield-security shopping-basket shopping-cart-plus shopping-cart sign-in sort-amount-asc sort-amount-desc sort-asc sort-desc spellcheck spinner storage store-24 store subway sun tab-unselected tab tag-close tag-more tag thumb-down thumb-up-down thumb-up ticket-star toll toys traffic translate triangle-down triangle-up truck turning-sign ungroup wallpaper washing-machine window-maximize window-minimize window-restore wrench zoom-in zoom-out Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+ Stumble Digg Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to Facebook
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